
Small animals

Cat Vaccines

Dec 6 • 1 minute read

It is generally recommended to vaccinate cats to help protect them from certain diseases that can be serious or even deadly. The specific vaccines that a cat should receive will depend on their age, health status, lifestyle, and other factors. Some common vaccines that may be recommended for cats include:

  • Rabies vaccine: This is a required vaccine in many areas and helps protect against a virus that can be transmitted to humans through a bite or scratch.

  • Feline distemper (FVRCP) vaccine: This vaccine helps protect against a virus that can cause serious respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological disease in cats.

  • Feline leukemia (FeLV) vaccine: This vaccine helps protect against a virus that can cause cancer and other serious diseases in cats.

It is important to discuss the appropriate vaccination plan with a veterinarian, as they will be able to recommend the best vaccines for your pet based on their specific needs.

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